
S1: E4: US Naval History and Consumer Culture with Charlie Harris

March 04, 2021


Cultural historian, Charlie Harris, examines the changing place of the U.S. Navy in American popular culture during an age of massive overseas expansion at the turn of the 20th century.Cultural historian, Charlie Harris, examines the changing place of the U.S. Navy in American popular culture during an age of massive overseas expansion at the turn of the 20th century.


Cultural historian, Charlie Harris, examines the changing place of the U.S. Navy in American popular culture during an age of massive overseas expansion at the turn of the 20th century. By examining industrial patterns, foreign relations, Gilded Age masculinity, and the rise of print and consumer culture, Charlie’s work seeks to discover why American citizens began to support, or at least comply with, a more aggressive role for the United States on the world stage starting with the Spanish-American War in 1898. Charlie has also spent the last six years as a public historian at organizations like the American Victory Museum in Tampa, Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, and H-War, the military history arm of H-Net Online listserv history database.

Charlie Harris is a Doctoral Candidate in the University of South Florida History Department studying the United States military during the Gilded Age/Progressive Era.

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